The key I think is that while these characters are the cause and effect of all of their misadventures, they are not necessarily the focus of the movie. The characters all have their own roles to play and they fulfill them well, but the truth is that you could sub any one of them out for another actor and the movie would still stand strong. I don’t mean to say I’d like to swap-out Cooper, Helms or Galifianakis- far from it, they are brilliant together. But their movie is hilarious despite their efforts and its nice to see that the comedy doesn’t hinge on their celebrity to make it funny. The end result is something genuinely hysterical, not a movie we feel should be considered funny simply because of all the components. We’re all fed up of Will Ferrell playing the same character and making a fool of himself (see this week’s box office open for Land of the Lost) and this movie goes to show that you don’t need to have big stars doing slapstick with a silly voice to get a rise out of the audience.
The premise is as simple as they get and harkens back to director Tod Phillips’ Old School in its effortless, but rewarding approach to story telling. These guys aren’t really ‘everymen’ and this isn’t an ‘everyman scenario’ (when taken to the extremes that this movie does) but somehow the characters and story connect with the audience by simply being outrageous and perverse enough to make you stop and think
“yeah that’s pretty much what I’d do if I found a tiger in my bathroom… or if my friend got punched in the face by Mike Tyson…”One of the best parts about the way the movie came to a head was that during the whole film you are with these poor guys who are trying desperately to retrace their debaucherous night, and have to follow a trail of evidence that implies that things got pretty wild. Then at the end of the movie there is a surprise that allows the audience to see (with an odd mix of utter disgust and pure jubilation) exactly what did transpire at that fateful bachelor party. The payoff was unexpectedly rewarding and ties together all the terrible events that where implied and hinted at through the film.

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