Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Year One Post

Year One feels like the end product of a small child making up a story as they go along. Seemingly random events occur for no other reason that it might be a little amusing and keeps the plot moving. With the Ghostbusters having a 25th anniversary revival I was looking forward to getting on the Harold Ramis bandwagon and enjoy this movie, but it seems that Egon needs to stick to PKE-Meters and leave the writing to Apatow’s other cronies. This movie rambles on and never accomplishes anything besides the simple gags that we all have seen from the trailer.

Jack Black and Michael Cera play the same roles they have for the past five years, though Black fits the bill and works with the formula. The odd-couple pairing doesn’t fair so well for Cera, who’s 100th iteration of his Arrested Development role doesn’t work with a caveman wig on. In fact this movie simply highlights how horribly typecast his career has become. With cameos by anyone who ever made y
ou laugh before, this film has all the ingredients for a hilarious movie- but unfortunately the sum is less than the parts. It really feels more like a costume party for funny people that somehow ended up being videotaped.

Honestly you really should skip this one. I didn’t have the highest of hopes for it from the outset but after sitting through this mess I feel compelled to save anyone else the bother if I can.

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