Being that I was unable to take the oath when I passed my citizenship test, I had to wait for a notification in the mail that would tell me where and when I can go back and swear in. They can only swear in so many people in a given day, and when I sat the Citizenship test and had my interview with an officer, they had already filled up the session for that day. So it delayed my naturalization a bit…shame. But now it will all be worth it because I get to go to a special naturalization ceremony in the Congressional Auditorium in the US Capitol Building! From time-to-time they hold the ceremonies in special locations and at historic landmarks. To get to become an American in the Capitol Building is absolutely amazing. I was excited about the day I’d take the oath before, but now it’s going to really be a momentous occasion for me. Sarah has rejiggered her trip to Texas so she will be able to attend the ceremony as well, which is awesome. I am really excited! I need to stock up on apple pies and fireworks!

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