Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Parking Lot Poser Post

When you leave the dentist you expect to have a sore mouth and new appreciation for the your newly reacquainted gaps between your teeth. You don’t generally expect to walk into a bizarre photo shoot featuring a BMW and a model in a Halloween costume. On Tuesday I had a cleaning over at my new dentists office (that reminds me, I need to call them today), and was experiencing the usual oral unpleasantness that one would expect when I was walking to my car afterwards, when I noticed a small crowd of people right by the Celica. I look over and there are 3 or four photographers taking snappys of a heavily chromed out BMW in the parking lot by the Bank. In said car was a chick modeling the thing, so I assumed it was for a local car dealership or something along those lines. Then she got out of the car and started posing on the hood, wearing what can best be described as a skanky, racer-chick outfit (or better described as: awesome) She posed some more then got back in the car for some more shots, at which point I figured I should probably stop rubbernecking and get home. Random yes. But better than getting a lollypop*.

*I know that's dentists not doctors, but....shaddup.

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