Monday, April 27, 2009
The Getting Goosed Post

The Il Fornaio Post

The Rock The Red Post

Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Co-Op Content Post

Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Games Night Post

Saturday, April 4, 2009
The I Love You Man Post
Supporting cast where perfect from JK Simmons and Andy Sandburg in Rudd’s hilarious family, to Jon Favreau and Thomas Lennon’s distasteful encounters with Peter throughout the movie. Everything fit so well. In fact the only weak link the chain is Rashida Jones who plays the to-be-wife. She’s just not likable enough for some reason. I kinda wanted Rudd and Segal to ditch her and go on their bro-mantic way. In fact the females don’t really pull their weight in this movie on the same level that the guys do. Considering the plot this isn’t necessarily unexpected, but with two characters so instantly likable and a supporting cast of hilarious male actors, it is very noticeable which team wins this movie’s battle of the sexes.
This movie had me laughing out loud and really enjoying it all the way through. There where a few too many awkward moments that where a bit rough to sit through, but squirming at the unfortunate circumstances always paid of with pure hilarity. I definitely see where this film will strike cords with people and be very reliably hilarious. Strongly recommend this one if you are looking for some good laughs.

The American Celebration Post

The Swearing In Post
There where 150 people swearing in at the ceremony hailing from 48 different countries. One by one they called out the names of the countries participating and everyone stood up when their country was called. There where lots of press and TV crews filming the whole thing as not only was it a special ceremony but it was the first time the new auditorium had been used, it was pretty cool to be among the first to be there. After all the speakers had welcomed us and the countries recognized, we where all called up one by one to the stage and handed our certificates of citizenship by Mr. Aytes, followed by a round of handshakes from all of the speakers. It was really genuine and very moving; I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as I shook the lineup’s hands. Seeing some of the other fresh citizens’ faces light up with pride and happiness when they received their certificate was incredibly stirring. It was really a wonderful event and I am so happy and proud to get to take part in the proceedings. I can’t think of a better place to become an American than the Capitol Building and I am ridiculously proud and excited about getting to partake in the special ceremony. It’s a day I will always remember and a defining moment in my life.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Birthday Fridge Post
The weekend before Sarah and I went down to Ballston to hang out with Eric and Coy at Union Jacks, which is fast becoming my favorite bar in the area), and on Sunday I went bowling with Jake and Dad which is always a fun (if not humbling time). On the actual day Mum whipped up some crab cakes and bought a massive chocolate cake to celebrate on the day with the family, which was nice. We spent the evening around the table eating and making fart jokes (maybe I am not that old after all!). Ali and Bob came over too. Sarah is away this week on a businesses trip to Texas, so she unfortunately wasn’t able to be there, but she will be coming home early to attend my citizenship ceremony on Friday so I completely forgive her. Eric started a new tradition of me receiving present sin the refrigerator… how he came up with it I am not quite sure, but his delivery method inspired subsequent present deliveries so it looks like its hear to stay.
Eric: “Hey want a beer? Check the fridge”
Jamie: “Sure thanks,” *Opens Door*
Eric: “Present!!!!”
*Pointing excitedly to frozen Xbox game nestled amongst beer bottles*
It does save on wrapping paper I suppose. Though when Sarah copied it she wrapped her gift… Spread the word, gift-giving is going green! I just hope no one ever decides to give me a puppy.
The Mystery Goose Post

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Going GaGa Post
I am knackered! After waiting in line for over 4 hours on a moderately miserable night I sit here with my ticket to the Lady Gaga show next month at 9:30 club! I know a 25 year-old guy should probably not be so excited about going and seeing such a poppy show...but damned if it isn’t catchy. (And between you and me she is far from unattractive) Jevan waited with me in line so it wasn’t too bad, though when people started dancing and singing in line I started to get a little fed up. When the doors opened and they actually went on sale the line moved pretty quickly so I can’t really complain. Flashbacks of waiting in line for HFS tickets where aplenty. Tickets weren’t cheap either but there where still some balcony spots left which we grabbed. Long wait, but it will all be worth it come show time!