Monday, April 27, 2009

The Getting Goosed Post

Last weekend Sarah and I went over to Leesburg to hang out at Ali and Bob’s and see Nana and Papa during their week stay with them. We also got to meet the newest member of the extended family ‘Goose’. Goose is Ali and Bob’s new dog, he’s four years old and full of energy. The special thing about Goose is that he is stone cold deaf. Trained to respond to hand commands and pulses from an electronic collar, he is one of the most trained dogs I’ve seen, and you honestly wouldn’t be able to tell that he had a disability from seeing him romp around the garden with his tongue and ears flapping behind him. He gets his name from the way he likes to great you. Getting ‘Goosed’ is the now trademarked act of him sneaking up behind you and pushing through your legs from behind. It’s quite funny when he catches people by surprise. Binti is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to having another dog running about the house, but I’m sure she’ll adjust. Getting to wear the Alpha-dog hat will surely help deal with the new whippersnapper.

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