There where 150 people swearing in at the ceremony hailing from 48 different countries. One by one they called out the names of the countries participating and everyone stood up when their country was called. There where lots of press and TV crews filming the whole thing as not only was it a special ceremony but it was the first time the new auditorium had been used, it was pretty cool to be among the first to be there. After all the speakers had welcomed us and the countries recognized, we where all called up one by one to the stage and handed our certificates of citizenship by Mr. Aytes, followed by a round of handshakes from all of the speakers. It was really genuine and very moving; I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as I shook the lineup’s hands. Seeing some of the other fresh citizens’ faces light up with pride and happiness when they received their certificate was incredibly stirring. It was really a wonderful event and I am so happy and proud to get to take part in the proceedings. I can’t think of a better place to become an American than the Capitol Building and I am ridiculously proud and excited about getting to partake in the special ceremony. It’s a day I will always remember and a defining moment in my life.

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