Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Birthday Fridge Post

Monday was my 25th birthday. I am now officially a quarter of a century old…I don’t know how I feel about that to be honest. While I don’t feel old, I definitely am not as jazzed to be a year older this time around. Before now each birthday was a step in the climb towards adulthood. Now I appear to reached a point where getting older just doesn’t seem as appealing… That said I still had a great birthday so I definitely not complaining!

The weekend before Sarah and I went down to Ballston to hang out with Eric and Coy at Union Jacks, which is fast becoming my favorite bar in the area), and on Sunday I went bowling with Jake and Dad which is always a fun (if not humbling time). On the actual day Mum whipped up some crab cakes and bought a massive chocolate cake to celebrate on the day with the family, which was nice. We spent the evening around the table eating and making fart jokes (maybe I am not that old after all!). Ali and Bob came over too. Sarah is away this week on a businesses trip to Texas, so she unfortunately wasn’t able to be there, but she will be coming home early to attend my citizenship ceremony on Friday so I completely forgive her. Eric started a new tradition of me receiving present sin the refrigerator… how he came up with it I am not quite sure, but his delivery method inspired subsequent present deliveries so it looks like its hear to stay.

Eric: “Hey want a beer? Check the fridge”

Jamie: “Sure thanks,” *Opens Door*

Eric: “Present!!!!”
Pointing excitedly to frozen Xbox game nestled amongst beer bottles*

It does save on wrapping paper I suppose. Though when Sarah copied it she wrapped her gift… Spread the word, gift-giving is going green! I just hope no one ever decides to give me a puppy.

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