The movie is composed of many different camera styles, which adds a level of realism to the otherwise very believable visual effects. The interesting mix of gritty handy cam shots and aerial panoramas works well and is mixed seamlessly, resulting in a very ‘real-world’ feeling presentation. The effects on the aliens are truly impressive. You honestly forget it’s CG on the screen as they feel as though they are as part of the scene as the people and props. It really is a masterful weave of elements.
This movie is borderline perfect. That pacing, plot, effects, acting; all phenomenal. The main character is a bumbling bureaucrat played by Wilkus Van De Merwe. After seeing him blab to the camera for the first few scenes I was asking myself how the hell I was going to survive watching him for 2 hours…. However the transformation of his character (both inside and out) during the course of the movie turned me into a believer. He does an unexpectedly terrific job of the role, and I can’t think of any way to improve his efforts. (Sorry for ever doubting you.)
The movie as a whole is a bit racist, which is a bit hypocritical considering it’s supposed to highlight the dark underbelly of human ignorance.
Every character, besides the two protagonists; fit neatly into the following categories. White people: heartlessly sadistic oppressors. Black people: Gun wielding, voo-doo obsessed criminals and Prawns: Trash rummaging cat food junkies.I don’t think there are any actual racist implications of course, however this is the only thing I can see critics having any wiggle room with.
I am very glad to see this movie turn out so well for the directorial debut of Neill Blomkamp after the whole ‘Halo’ fiasco. Admittedly having Peter Jackson producing doesn’t hurt things, but it is nice to see new talent in the theaters. Very cool that in the current Hollywood environment a short film could impress the right people and net someone a big break still. He earns his success with this first entry into what will hopefully be a long list of future projects. Simply put District-9 is the most thrilling and emotionally charged science fiction movie to come along in a long time. Definitely a must see.