After being at my new job for two weeks Sarah and I went to the company Christmas party which was a lot of fun. One would except that after only meeting people for less than a fortnight, going to a formal party would be a bit difficult. Fortunately that was not the case and we both had a lot of fun. The next day we were tasked with coming up with ugly holiday sweaters for Eric’s annual Christmas Sweater Party at THE CITADEL. I opted to borrow one of Mum’s eclectic teacher waistcoats while Sarah and Melissa decided to craft their own festive attire with various Christmas craft items. It was a lot of fun and getting to see the Arlington crew (as they are now to be dubbed) was much overdue. Unfortunately with the move in full swing at the time we weren’t able to attend Coy and Holly’s Christmas dinner the night after however which was a real shame but unfortunately just not in the cards for us that weekend.
Christmas itself was a whirlwind of family gatherings. With Sarah’s sisters in town, Stefan making his return, Craig visiting, plus all the regular shady characters who we like to call ‘family*’ being around we barely has a moment where we weren’t wrapping gifts, stuffing our faces or spending time with loved ones- you know all the stuff that the holidays are great for. We went out to the Russia House for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner to celebrate everyone being together- promptly followed by the traditional Hunt Family Sheppard’s Pie dinner (somehow I was still able to finish a whole plate at both meals). Christmas day had many stages being at the apartment, my house, Sarah’s house and the customary overeating at two family Christmas dinners.
Two days after Christmas we went down to Re-Ra’s in Clarendon for a surprise welcome home party for Stefan and Greg’s return from overseas. Both families where there in full force as well as all their friends to great them. Greg’s family has it organized that the guys thought that they where going to out to a family dinner with both sets of parents. They where surprised when all of their friends where upstairs in the bar waiting to greet them. It was a fun night.
So January might have its work cut out for it when it comes to matching the variety of after hours entertainment of December… or it might give everyone a chance to rest…maybe do a few crunches and work off the 3rd helping of figgie pudding.

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