Scrub’s is back on TV this time it’s made the jump to ABC. Tuesday was the season premier and I have to say, so far it looks pretty good. I’ll like the show no matter what they do with it in all honesty, but I would be a lair if I didn’t admit that the last two seasons have been sub par. Fortunately they seem to have learnt from their mistakes and have the show back on track. While it may be a bit soon to call only 2 episodes in, but I am noticing that it feels more like classic Scrubs, and less like the goofier random-plotted episodes of late. Any show where your main characters get less screen time than the cardboard minor characters should start thinking about getting back to basics. You listening Simpsons!?)* Gone is the ridiculous self parody and self referencing form the last two seasons and back are the quazi-heartfelt plots dripping with hilarity. Good job guys. My only complaints are that J.D. needs to shave the stubble pronto, and we need more Elliot being hot. That’s it. The rest is golden.

*Minor characters are key. Don’t get me wrong. But Ted the lawyer and Professor Frink don’t need spin-off shows.

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